BCLC halts plans for North Shore casino

March 12th, 2019 – Brent Richter/North Shore News There will be no casino or slot parlour coming to the North Shore anytime soon. In 2016, the B.C. Lottery Corporation, the provincial agency that regulates gambling in the province, sought expressions of …

Faster fender-bender clearing will keep traffic moving

March 8th, 2019/Rattan Mall, Voice Online Police will be free to clear minor crash scenes quickly and get traffic flowing again as B.C. updates the threshold for mandatory reporting of property-damage-only collisions (PDOs). “Having traffic back up because of a minor …

North Shore to get real-time traffic warning signs

February 6th, 2019 – Brent Richter/North Shore News Everyone’s been there, lurching along in stop-and-go traffic, wondering what’s at the other end of a long line of tail lights. The province and the three North Shore municipalities will be deploying …